By Laws
Article I The name of the organization shall be the Spartan Girls Lacrosse Club (SGLC).
Article II The mission of the SGLC is as follows:
“The Spartan Girls Lacrosse Club (SGLC) is a Non-Profit, volunteer based organization dedicated to offering educational and competitive lacrosse programs for school aged girls. Members of SGLC, comprised of its Board, Coaches and players, are committed to 1) the development of each player to the best of her ability, 2) the highest standards of sportsmanship, and 3) increasing their value of teamwork, respect, self-esteem, discipline, and physical well-being”.
Article III SGLC shall maintain membership in the Philadelphia Area Girls Lacrosse Association (PAGLA),
Article IV The colors of SGLC are Hopkins Blue with accents of navy and white. Other accent colors may be displayed on the uniforms.
Article V SGLC shall be governed by a Board of a minimum of 4 persons, not to exceed 9, elected to serve for 2 consecutive years. Elections for open or expired seats will be held annually at the board meeting following June 1st of each year. Any vacancies on the Board, occurring for any reason are to be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board.
The Board shall meet in at least the following months: August, September, October, November and January and at other times on the call of the President. Board members must be provided with a minimum of five days notice of a meeting. A quorum shall consist of no less than 50% of the Board members.
Article VI The fiscal year for the accounting of the SGLC shall end each December 31th.
Article VII SGLC Community may attend Board meetings in November and January and request recognition by the President. Meetings are open to the entire SGLC membership via request through Board Secretary for an approved shared zoom link.
Article VIII The SGLC Board has adopted a Conflict of Interest Policy.
Article IX These Bylaws may be changed at any properly scheduled Board meeting by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Notice of proposed changes to the Bylaws must be published in the newsletter, email and /or the web site at least twenty days prior to the Membership meeting at which the changes will be voted upon.